Wk 15: Relevant Analytics

I think some relevant data to keep an eye on would be information such as seeing how active users are trending over time and user retention are important factors to keep an eye on, 

Seeing active users habits and knowing how often they visit my website would be key to figure out how often I would have to update it.  If I post more regularly but notice that page views are steadily at a monthly rate, it might be better worth my time to update on a less regular basis to cater for the majority of users.  This tool would give answers to timing variation. If users return more often as I update, I can focus on updating my site more regularly. 

The users retained tool would also be useful in figuring out if the content I am sharing is something my target market is responding to.  If people see my content and are willing to return, I would focus on putting out similar content, 

As my site gains traction, it would be useful to know how I am acquire my users.  As of now, my blog is only being viewed directly and not being referred from anywhere. Gaining referrals from other web pages would to boost exposure would be hugely beneficial. 
